
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


As GM announced a closure of a plant in an Ontario community, it brings the grim reality of layoffs and closures pending. The plant supported secondary services. The workers want to fight it.
Already the word is out that others are looking for skilled technicians in their businesses.
Layoffs have a grief factor attached. Work is so much a part of our conscienceness.
How to get through the process takes stamina and grit.
So I had two major layoffs in my career. I left a job too to try a private practice that did not pan out. So almost like 3 when trying to get back into the workplace.
It is a tough process. Like a captain without a ship.
Job hunting can be brutal depending on the age. The older the harder it is. But is there a light at the end of the tunnel. Yes. Just takes whatever time it takes to get there!
In some lay offs there are early retirements for some workers. But what if the person really did not intend to retire early. Some people recover and some people never recover.
So how did I recover. Kept sending out resumes and answering ads and checking job sites. Job interviews usually sucked. I can give a list and stories of some of the bad ones.
Eventually, I found another job. Four months. Not bad in a job search. The last job at the hospital started as a casual/part-time that morphed into a full time position after several contract jobs there. So perseverance. It paid off to a 15 year term that ended in a planned retirement. It was probably my best job or at least one of my best jobs.
I feel for the workers every time I hear a store is closing or major layoffs. Whether one wants to hear or not, laid off people are judged as if they did something wrong. People will avoid you. So tough skin is good too. "You did nothing wrong is the mantra to adopt."
So anyone out there needing support or guidance just email me at abdm@rogers.com and we can chat.

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