
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Actually to stop feeling overwhelmed.
Woke this morning with this very feeling. With the recent retirement and trying to organize the house for a future downsizing, family commitments-just overwhelmed with all that life brings.

So how to contain it??

1.  Identify the areas of your life that seem too much. Admit some areas are too much. Health. Painful diagnosis. Loss.  Death. Work demands. Home demands. Relationship problems. So knowing that being overwhelmed comes naturally in so many situations. So stop and breath. Have a coffee or your favourite hot drink. Relax your body.

2. Make a list of what needs to be done. Notice the word needs not wants!! The pleasure of ticking off items can be satisfying. Then what do you want to do. What would bring pleasure?

3. Don't hesitate to ask for help. Yes all you I can do it myself, I do not need any help, ask anyway.

4. Now look at your list and prioritize. For example,  I did lots of garden cleanup but with the early snow was not finished. I felt overwhelmed with the thinking of what was not done. But actually a lot was done. So must wait until the Spring to continue. Knowing gardens are never finished but always a work in progress. Like life. A work in progress. So garden cleanup is off my list. Now to those indoor winter projects that are doable. 4 months of time to be spend on other things.

5. Stop overthinking everything. Life is only one moment, one day, one year etc. So start with now and do what can be done. The what ifs can drain our happiness. And give those overwhelmed feelings.