
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Sometimes we talk about teaching values to children. Talking, talking, talking! The most important act is being and doing. Demonstrating with our actions. Having friends and acquaintances from a variety of backgrounds. Being a respectful colleague. Being a respectful parent to not just our own children but all children.
If speaking a language other than English be aware there may be others around you that do not speak the language and be inclusive- speak in English. Excluding people is very easy by doing this very act! It is good to have other languages- I speak and understand several- not fluently but enough to get by! Be aware that some people may understand when you think they do not. For example, in my younger years, when taking a bus in a predominantly ethnic area, I understood the two ladies talking negatively about another passenger. So when I got up to leave, I said Scusi!
If new to the country, learn what the country is all about before putting down what is different. Diversity is great. But it means to be diverse. It goes every which way. It is easy to point a finger at one group but remember 3 are pointing back! Do you include others in your life?
Remember it is okay to know we all have some prejudices and to work on them. Continue to challenge and to change. Demonstrate to our children and grandchildren. A tough one to do but very doable! One last point, I used to be a regular blood donor. Do you know everyone's blood is red? We really are more similar than different!

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