
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, January 8, 2018


Weather is cold. So indoors finds the majority of people. Even the ski slopes with lots of snow have a reduction in customers- too cold. So the month is an opportunity to visit those indoor places. GTA has lots of exhibits, plays, and just movies. The Royal Ontario Museum has a special Vikings exhibit. So may be a good history lesson there. Even favourite art galleries can be revisited. It is not necessary to stay home as long a warm place can be found. House stuff like decluttering, closet cleaning, finishing projects, annual planning- heh there will be spring and summer so some trips?? Reading books and going to the library to check out some as well. Simple can be good!
For our family, birthdays and an anniversary bring some levity to the month. For me a staycation week with all of the above is coming. Probably try to get together with some friends for lunch. Winter can be depressing or liberating. Using the indoor time creatively. Like any other time of the month, it too shall pass! So what are your January plans?


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