
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Everyone has stress. But some events in life are more overwhelming. Thrown in the deep end and not to drown is always important.

1. Chronic illness in the family is ongoing. With its ups and downs. Arranging the home and life to accommodate makes it bearable. Changing sleeping arrangements. Getting the appropriate equipment. But acute illness and a poor prognosis is huge. It throws everything off balance. Pulling in the resources in life that make it doable. If you are the caregiver, be aware of burnout!

2. Job changes. Retirement. A layoff. Needing to go to a new job for sanity. Take it a step at a time. Put activities in place. Set a date to do activities and meet those deadlines. Keep your resume up to date, just in case. Your ongoing backup plan. If belonging to a college or professional organization, use the required learning requirements in your resume.

3. Family matters. Family conflicts. There are always toxic people in our lives. Sometimes someone might think you are the toxic person. So how to stay connected with those that are important and disconnected from those that are too difficult. Write some family history and the reasons you are disconnected.

4. Personal finances. Just manage them. The best way to save money is to reduce spending.Some purchases are necessary but others are not. Paying down debt one payment at a time. Frugal is good but some fun stuff is needed too. Along with the full time job, are there other ways to increase revenue. Many retired people look for those little part-time opportunities to add to the family pot.

5. Personal physical and mental health takes a toll. Manage it. Eat well, Exercise. Sleep well. Get professional help when needed.

Not drowning is the goal. Stay in the shallow end. But keep flotation devices handy. Feeling crappy can be the norm in very stressful situations. Accept it. Finds ways to manage it.
#5reasonstomanagelife'sstruggles#chronic illness#acute illness#family matters#personal finances#personal health

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