
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, January 29, 2018


When crap comes your way, the best thing is to put up a shield and throw some back. Rather than cowering in a corner, stand up and push back. So being proactive about the things in one's control is important.. Not being caught off guard. Stifling anger and being assertive. Our emotions can be hijacked and having strategies to step back and think about the answer. Always know there are others who want to catch you off guard! Put you on the spot!  Proactive- let me think about it. Not reactive. Learning to be proactive takes experience and learning. However, pushed into a corner can take lots of skill and knowledge not to react. The workplace is ripe with colleagues that may not have your best interest. Managers manage and often dictate what needs to happen. Concentrating on getting the job done well and professionally can be the best shield. Dotting every i and crossing every t becomes the mantra. Protecting one's back. Finding colleagues to trust. But mostly keeping the hand dealt close to the chest. Being positive and having a smile is a great defence too.

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