
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, January 28, 2018


Planning gives us time to think.

1. Research can be done methodically. Articles found and read. Magazines with ideas can be sorted or just clip the picture or two of interest.

2. If for the garden, look at the pictures from the previous year. If home repairs, list what needs to be done. Some work can be done in winter but often windows need to be open to ensure there is nothing toxic in the air that can not be breathed. Good ventilation! So when in the Spring to do certain jobs.

3. Planning for a vacation- whether day trips, overnight, weekends or full weeks, perusing websites, getting brochures, looking at the budget, winter gives time to plan and even dream about the next big adventure.

4. Winter gives us indoor time. Those moments when feeling bored and housebound, planning sets the doldrums free. Planning can be uplifting. Checking supplies in the home so unnecessary purchases will not be made. How often do we all bring home an item from the store and we have 5 already!!

5. Planning helps us set priorities. Often we discover we rally do not want to do something. Planning tells us it is just too much work and effort. Determining what is really desired! Planning can be therpeutic. It is an activity that often leads us to stuff. Projects to finish and projects to start. Puts procrastination in the corner. Heh I am not procrastinating, I am busy planning.

The nice thing about planning is no money is spent, ideas can be bantered around, and some plans can be thrown in the garbage!

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