
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, April 15, 2017


Good Friday is the holy day of Jesus' sacrifice. He died so our sins could be forgiven. It made me think about forgiving and forgiving others for what they do to us. Then the thought occurred to me. Forgiving others means it is necessary to forgive ourselves first. Many good people have things done to them by not so good people. It takes courage to forgive those people. But forgiving ourselves for being duped, hurt or scammed takes more courage. Not to wallow in the hurt but to move forward. It does not mean toxic people should stay in our lives it just means that forgiving frees up so much negative energy. Easter is a time for celebration. Reflection. Being with family. Talking about the Easter message. Love. Peace and well forgiveness. So for me starting with myself. Forgiving me for not being all the things I had wanted to be. Loving what has been done. Loving the people in my life. Forgiving frees up love!

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