
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, February 3, 2017


Although January can be hard on the psyche, more depression and suicides can occur in February. So how to get through the winter blahs and depression. Firstly if you suffer from clinical depression, see your doctor, psychiatrist or get yourself to the nearest Emergency Department if suicidal. Sometimes real clinical help is needed not just some helpful suggestions like suggested here.
For those just getting tired of winter, surround yourself with things that bring some comfort and joy. 1.Like a pretty plant! Don't you just love the pink!
2. Go out for a dinner- if too expensive the breakfast restaurants can be fun and cheaper.
3.Go to a movie! Yes many have plans on your cable or netflex or whatever but sometimes just getting out of the house and going somewhere helps the mood.
4.If on a real tight budget, visit your local library. Many have coffee shops or you can bring your own beverage. It's free to browse the books or even take some home with your library card.
5. Of course for the lucky ones, a trip south or west or out of the country can really break up the rest of the winter months.
6.For winter buffs, skiing or snowboarding of tubing enjoying the winter can bring some good exercise and enjoyment.
7.February can be that time before the hoopla of garden cleanup that comes with Spring so perhaps some research and planning on what needs to be done.
8.Starting those little plants inside to put in the garden later can bring some pleasure too.
9.Too many people wish the winter months away instead of using the time effectively for well- Living!
10.It is a wonderful time to research and plan or simply do the easy stuff!
11. Read a book or many books that have been on your pile.
12.Contact with friends and family- text, email or maybe try an old fashioned letter. See how your hand flows on the paper. Or if not a letter maybe those little note cards for a few lines.
So what ideas do you have to embrace the long nights of winter!

1 comment:

  1. lots of great ideas, Barb! seems there's something here for all of us
