
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, February 17, 2017


Genealogy includes so many family and cousin lines. It is important to decide how much is needed to make your endeavors fun. A recent webinar on my staycation stressed the importance of remembering all those cousins share the same ancestors. It is their information too. So a good family historian shares. I have some amazing documents that others shared with me over the years. Scanning them and saving in the appropriate files. But sometimes just photocopying and giving to the important family members that will share with their own loved ones is important. The rule to have information in more than one site or even province. So sending to libraries, genealogical societies, writing articles and well sharing. I just shared recently so hope the cousin will enjoy! Of course there will be more sharing it was just the beginning!


  1. OMG ... your massive parcel just arrived at noon. Thank you so much! I have my reading cut out for me now! I never imagined the Ellis genealogy would be so huge!

  2. The English lines were a little messy but will find the charts for our cousins. Joanne Tate, daughter of Margaurite Berry ( mother was sister of our Edna Mary Ellis( nee English) is on Facebook with me.
