
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, February 24, 2017


Researching today is so different than 30 years ago. The online connections are great. Facebook has many genealogy groups that make connections with family groups fun and interesting. I now belong to 3 groups- Durham Region and Kawarthas which are my family lines and the Cassino Immigrant group which have my husband's lines. It is still important to provide information to the various societies' newsletters. Ontario Genealogical Society is always looking for new members. Check out all the branches where your loved ones may have lived. It is really a minimal cost to connect with these groups. To keep genealogy alive and well supporting those groups is as important as supporting a charity. Volunteers have for decades transcribed cemetery records, census, local newspaper that once printed seems like such an easy task but hours of  loved labour has gone into it. If from another province then join your provincial group and local branches. I also belong to the York Region group where I have no ancestors but have lived in the region most of my life. I feel an obligation to connect to it as well as write my history of how the region has changed. Since it is Canada's 150 many groups have asked for submissions of where were your ancestors in 1867. What were they doing? I am still considering what to write regarding our family lines. So there is no time like the present. If considering a family history journey why not start today!

1 comment:

  1. you started me on that journey many years ago ... thanks, Barb!
