
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Children are tested at school. Some are tested for the gifted stream. It can be bragging rights. I remember when my children were little and a parent at an event would state about the gifted child she had. Yes academically some children are gifted and is a good thing to give them an enriched program.  If a child is bored in school because the work is too easy then it can be cumbersome! But what does it mean in the long run of life. Taking a Nana stand that every child is gifted in so many ways- a sweet personality, athletic, artistic, good reader, little helper, social skills, just the fact the child is in this world. Okay all my grandchildren are gifted to me!! Schools streamline children to fit the mould. If a child is a little different then many teachers can not cope. So part of the issue can be, we need  teachers that can accept the differences in all their students regardless! Finding the strengths! Letting the active child move when needed. For adults that have trouble sitting, there are now standing desks to help with the day. Telling people to move around helps with brain function. Some adults pick careers that allow them to move. However say they could not do a desk job- have trouble sitting all day! So- why not see the same premise with little children who need to move! The parent with a special needs child that learns one new skill once in a blue moon will need to hear that child is gifted too. Children learn differently and some may take longer to get a new math concept, while others do not hesitate to go on to the next level quickly. But everyone eventually will get it! As children grow, their interests, skills and strengths will surface. Remember those emotional skills-emotional intelligence is so important too. Perhaps fodder for a longer discussion. So what gifts do the children in your life bring to your world??

1 comment:

  1. my children are like gifts to me ... and their children are too ... I wish I could do more for all of them
