
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, January 8, 2016


Someone asked me who was cooking Christmas dinner or holding the party or just doing the social thing. My response- me- I'm the Mom. Starting out in life girls are girls that attend events but eventually have their own lives and become a Mom.  But eventually in a family group someone becomes- the Mom. The one that holds the fort together but allows the freedom for others to come and go. The one who makes sure events get planned and food and items bought. The Mom! Every kid will love the cooking his or her Mom makes. Some aunties or friends of the family are the substitute Mom! When and how it happens that a 20 something woman becomes the Mom that makes the magic of Christmas, the fun at birthday parties, and down the road is the Mom to her Mom or Mother-in-law! Taking over the reins in the family group to make sure all the generations are honoured. Actually there are other Moms in my family group- my 2 daughters! Great Moms to their children! The Mom has so many levels for all of us. When planning or socializing or celebrating how often do we hear about how some one's Mom did things or created a disaster meal. For us it was when my Mom made the Pierre Berton's beans recipe- hard as bullets because she forgot to soak the beans first. But her lemon or apple pies were great. The times she made fudge and we would fight over
whose turn it was to scrape the pot! The Mom makes so much happen. Little things and big things. The Mom there for her family and friends! So who is the Mom in your group? Do you have several who take turns at different events? The Mom- what does it conjure up for you?

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