
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Parents struggle with the demands of raising children and the numerous daily tasks that must be accomplished. It is difficult to be told daily- I don't like this food, I don't want to go, you're a mean Mommy or Daddy. How to nurture appreciation of what you do by your children begins with being a role model. Listen to your own voice. Do you nag or yell at your children or does your voice also tell them- thank you, what a great job, thanks for listening. As a Nana, the thanks for listening is often said to my grandchildren. After a visit, I love you, you were so good for Nana- well sometimes that is a stretch as they are just children. Does your voice thank other people like store clerks and neighbours and friends and relatives. Even when you think children are not listening or paying attention, like little sponges they observe your behaviour constantly. Hearing good compliments to others and sincere conversation is the way to teach and model appreciation. Crusty adults were brought up by crusty parents. Expecting your children to thank others for their birthday and Christmas gifts, a meal out, the Mom or Dad of a birthday party attended, the coach, the dance teacher, the teacher for any activity given is a good practice. Making them stop and think about it. Appreciation of the small things every day, not just the big things. If I take my grandchildren on an outing or activity, I usually ask what was their favourite part. The answers are always interesting. Sometimes the outing was very stressful for Nana. But hearing there was a good time and what it meant to my grandchild is always refreshing. Bedtime is often a good time to reflect on the day and tell each child something special that was done. How you liked something. Teenagers whether you believe it or not need, yes need to hear you noticed something about them too. Look past the negative behaviours often given and find the positive. Again it may be a stretch but a needed one. Happy people find it easy to show appreciation. It comes naturally. Appreciation with a little happiness for having a life is a great way to start and end a day. I had a cute blessing recently. My precious grandchildren wrote some personal messages in their handmade birthday cards to me. In their own way they showed appreciation for me. Yes it takes work to find the time for appreciation but the lifelong rewards of happy, healthy appreciative adults will come your way. Meanwhile one day at a time with one good thought, word, conversation showing appreciation for others is a good method to be a role model.

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