
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Being part of a social group is part of life. A family. A workplace. A profession. The ladies group at the church. The curling team Well you get the picture. Even the ones who get their coffee at their favourite shop everyday feel part of a group. When life changes- a group layoff, retirement, empty nest, relationship breakup to name a few, the loss is about more than the incident but the loss of the social network. Perhaps it is why the obsession with gadgets- cellphones, i-pads, tablets- another way to stay connected to a social group. Hundreds of facebook friends may be an illusion as they are not all your real friends but it gives a place to belong without much effort. Collectively we cheer on our favourite teams- belonging! Our faith group and local place of worship let us belong unconditionally. Why such a social need for humans? In the Animal Kingdom, there is such a phenomena  with many animals- gorillas, elephants, lions, antelope. Other animals are loners- polar bears, tigers! There can be different social groups for the same person!  Social belonging, acceptance, a sense of order.

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