
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Do you have a little pile of knitting projects or writing or woodworking that need some attention? Getting back to them can bring some renewed energy. When I crochet or knit a blanket for example, it serves a double purpose because it actually helps to keep me warm when I am sitting. Are you a gardener? You can not garden but some winter planning can be done. Buy a magazine if you need a jolt of creative ideas. January is a good month to begin or finish many things. by embracing it as an opportunity between spring garden cleanup and fall garden cleanup. If you had ideas of changing some areas on your property, winter planning gives a head start to the spring garden. The indoor stuff can be tackled slowly and methodically. Are you planning a move in the future? Time to tackle one closet at a time- keep, sell, give away can be your motto! Do you ever look in the back of a closet and discover stuff you forgot you had? Another motto- do I love you enough to move you? Of course, the younger generation will not want your stuff until it is given away!! Or discover those knick knacks did have some worth after all! That's why methodically is good. If not in a hurry, do not be mercenary! The internet let us research various items and often discovering there are stores, groups, clubs, sales out there that may want your stuff! And if lucky get some money for it! So January with the cold and all the winter blahs can be a time to get down and dirty with your home! Not the most exciting things to do but at the end of the month, you could walk away with a sense of accomplishment! And space in those decluttered corners!

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