
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, February 16, 2015


What can I say? A Monday off to spend doing personal stuff is always welcome. Especially missing a cold walk to work for one day. Actually a frigid weekend so being inside was okay. One social event with family, lots of hand crafts and watching some TV movies along with the usual household chores. Valentine's Day rammed in there too!! With the sun shining, lots of light in the house so does not feel depressing at all! Time to continue to learn the features on my Blackberry Classic that I obtained two weeks ago. Mondays are always hard work days in the winter. Why does warm weather make it  easier to get up and go out! Maybe the longer days! The sunshine! So if I look outside and just see the sun, I can pretend it is warmer and nicer than it is. And the days are getting longer anyway! So are you enjoying a day off from work! Or do you have family members home so you can enjoy some real "family day" time together?

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