
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Eleves would help with the work and stress of Christmas preparations. Often it is the mother that makes the magic of Christmas happen for her family. Over the years there are often suggestions of dividing the work. Remember the cookie drive! Have a group of friends and each of you make one kind of cookie or square but dozens then each swap with each other. Can you think of other ways to share the load? Have play days with a friend so that Mom can clean, shop, bake, wrap or whatever is needed? Use other family members to share some of the activities of Christmas with you! Spreading out the events in different houses shares the load! Back to planning and deciding what is really important for the season! Dragging children to shop at the Mall is not the best way to enjoy it! Think back of your childhood! Watching my mother make Christmas cake was one for me! Quiet times in the home! Ask your children and spouse what are the most important activities they want to do! Many young parents buy the gingerbread house items and make their own! Creating memories that are simple! So can you think of someone who could be your Elf? Remember Santa had lots of them- he does not do everything alone!


  1. I also remember my mother making Christmas cakes. She added some alcohol to hers. Maybe that's why everyone raved about them.
