
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Pregnancy is a long 10 months or 40 weeks of gestation. For the expectant parents it is a time of adjustment and great anticipation. Books on what to expect when one is expecting abound and are good reading to help with some questions and even fears. Attending prenatal classes is a good idea too. A birth at the hospital or home with an obstetrician or does one use a midwife can be considerations. There is usually lots of advice from other mothers about everything. Recently one young Mom mentioned something interesting. She said everyone tells you about the delivery but few people mention after that! She meant the trials and tribulations of breast feeding, the changes in the body, the potential of hormonal changes-example could affect your hair, and the emotional roller coaster of feelings. New parents need lots of support- both physical and emotional! The change from a couple to a family is a huge adjustment! Extended family can be a great help or hindrance depending on the support given. The male attitude can greatly influence the new Dad! In our modern world, it is wonderful to see that even a Prince can change nappies! So be kind to that pregnant woman you see! Her body is doing a beautiful job!

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