
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, September 13, 2013


We are told a breakfast gives us a healthy start to the day. We need the food to give us energy. But are there other things that we need. Can starting with a prayer of thanks be mindful? Can conversing positively with a loved one give a sense of belonging? With little children around there are often hugs and kisses- giving us the much needed touch factor. Adults all need some touch too. Look at the elderly in care centers and visiting pets that allow touch. The start of a day brings a renewed sense of another day to live on this earth. I have a bathroom that faces east and the sunrises are beautiful. Often I find myself there giving a prayer of thanks and think about the day ahead. Are there routines you have to help you get your day started with good energy? Of course that first jolt of caffeine helps. Adolph usually brings me a coffee most days. It is a sweet gesture of caring that warms my heart! Is there a purpose to your day? I find I need a purpose- work, play, routines, hobbies- whatever it will be! Why do I want to get up in the morning? It does not have to be over the top events. Just good ordinary living with the people I love! Can I in my ordinary day help others to find a purpose too! Oh yes-trying to post something on my blog every day even if it is not extraordinary gives me some purpose. It keeps me disciplined to write. To find something to write about in a creative way. To find opportunities to take photos. Can reaching out to others that may be going through a difficult time give purpose too. Another day-another chance to be!    

1 comment:

  1. I welcome your blog posts. Each gives me something to think about. Each day, I look in the mirror and I'm surprised to find I'm still here. Not bad for a guy who thought he'd never reach 60.
