
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


September has all the flurry of a snowstorm. Working parents with back to school tasks and lessons in full swing, the quiet of the summer months seem far behind. All the advice like one day at a time and one task at a time prevail. Organization and good scheduling can make the activitiy level seem manageable. Relying on car pools, extended family helping with a drop off or pick up and deciding not to have your child in every sport or dance lesson also helps. Homework can be another thorn in a parents' side. Remember it is the child's work and try to provide a good space for completion while supervising. In the midst of the "busy" world, remember home is important for children so they can find the love, peace and emotional stability to protect them from the world. As a parent you need it too! Plan and organize down time. At least one work night or two, have no outside activities. One day of the weekend to be home or plan a family time- keep it simple! Remember the best part of family time is spending time together! If children fight when out, divide and conquer! Each parent has a special time with a child then switch next time! Even grandparents find when there is only one child from a family- the dynamics change! Home and family does not have to be on the run all the time! We all chose how much running we want to do! One of my daughters lives so close to the childrens' school that there is no real travel time. Walks them there then home to get the car todrive to work! When my children were in day care, it was 5 minutes from home! It sure made a difference in my life! Oh yes, do not compare with the other "superparents"! The competition of how many activities-" you have 5, well I have 10"! Really-who cares! Do what works for you! Don't be afraid your children may be missing out- they are not! So you busy bees, get back to the hive and chill!  

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