
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Gender equality continues to be a struggle even in our modern times. Canada has come a long way over the last hundred years. However, generally men still earn more than women. Little girls are encouraged to pursue all dreams. Teaching and nursing were once main female professions but now have more men equalizing the acceptance as top careers. In my profession, Social Work was once a female domain with men in the top executive positions. Men taking parental leave to be with their new babies is a huge step in viewing the child care piece as important. Women still must carry babies and give birth! In some cultues, the boy is still the coveted sex to want! We must be careful as can be seen by the number of bachelor men in China now with a shortage of women! Girls and boys are different in some ways but similar in other ways. Raising respectful children to become respectful adults being able to live and work with each other is a dream. Many successful men had positive relationships with their mothers and grandmothers. I can think of one President with that background! Do girls and women need to work harder to get ahead? Probably! By recognizing the barriers to success and removing them so both men and women have equal opportunities based on skills, education and experience, we will continue to move forward. What does gender equality really mean anyway? Do you have some thoughts? Do you have some answers?

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