
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


We are so fortunate in these times to have so many methods to keep in touch with loved ones, friends and colleagues. Texting, facebook, twitter, emails. I just spoke with two people very close to me. The good old fashioned telephone actually works wonders too. If unable to see someone in person, hearing his/her voice is the next best thing. We tried skype but it was not as great as anticipated. A handwritten note is good too. Long letters take so much time but I am sure there are people in your family that may love to get one occasionally. I used to write my grandmother weekly in my youth as I knew she loved to get mail. For years I wrote to my Auntie Bernice when she was widowed. Of course writing to my folks until we started the email exchange. However, I send a short letter periodically to my mother as she does like the written word in my handwriting. Not everyone wants to send Christmas Cards but I do as a Christmas email is okay but pretty cards displayed is still something I love about Christmas. Receiving thank you notes, birthday cards, even postcards from exotic places. Yes, when I travel, I still send postcards to everyone. How do you keep in touch? Is it important in your life? Do you love to hear from others regularly? What are your chosen methods of communicating from a distance?

1 comment:

  1. Like you, I use every means of communicating with distant friends and relatives that is available. However, I haven't twittered yet. Call me old-fashioned but I especially like receiving hand-written letters. One of my regrets is that I never kept the letters received from my mom and dad years ago. These days, I keep all the Christmas letters sent to me (paper and electronic). It's fun to open that file folder and review what happened in people's lives that particular year. The enclosed photos are great. I guess I'll soon be starting a draft of this year's letter. It may be harder to write than earlier ones but life goes on and many positive things have happened in my life this year.
