
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


And eat it too! Life may be a box of chocolates according to Forest Gump but for most of us it would not be complete without cake. How many pictures are centered around the cake of the moment? Birthday cake with all the candles and "make a wish". The happy couple with their wedding cake. The bigger the cake the more prestigious the wedding! Old fashioned fruit cake made in advance of Christmas so the rum can ferment! Angel food cake for the dieters! Strawberry Shortcake to take advantage of the summer crop. Peach upside down cake. Chocolate cake, vanilla cake- which flavour do you like! Come to the Retirement tea-there's going to be cake! The popular children's cake- individual cupcakes iced as one big cake. How about that Ice Cream Cake! Best of both worlds.
Even baked goods with another name- Banana Bread really tastes like cake. Can you recall an occasion where the cake was the main event of the meal? Can't go home yet until you have some cake! Cake from stratch, cake mix or from the bakery, cake reminds us of good times with family and friends.


  1. This reflective thought does nothing for my waist-line. I gained a pound just reading it!

  2. Do you know the Italians call Canadians- Mangia Cake! Cake eaters. Just thought you would want to know.
