
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, April 24, 2020


I did not retire early. I was almost 69. I would have worked longer if I did not have a chronically ill spouse who needed my time and care.

I took lots of slack from others in my family who retired in their 50s. Why was I working??

I took ageism at work. Even though I could run circles around those 30 years younger than I was, I often was treated as old.

So I watch the COVID-19 unfolding and all the people now having to work from home. The whining and how hard it is. Having to wear PJs all day etc.

Really. I get up, get washed, get dressed and put my makeup on first thing then make the coffee and morning routines for my spouse.

So many people had dreamed about working from home. What has happened is they do not like it??

So that is what retirement really looks like. Being home and making a new life.

My question- will it change people's minds about that early retirement thing? Will it make people appreciate the social aspect of the work environment? Colleagues? Acquaintances?

Those of us who have retired quickly are aware of how work colleagues drop you!!

For me I joined some new groups with new people. Now they are on hold to physically distancing and staying at home. But social being we are. They are there waiting.

Being home makes us aware of the surroundings. Is it the reason for the cleaning frenzy at the beginning of the stay at home mandate?  I wonder if the homes are still as clean!!

So the question. Has COVID-19 changed some of that magical thinking of what it would be like?? People have slowed down. Will they rev up again? Will there be an appreciation of those who have had to lose their job or income? Will there be more kindness when those same people are looking for work?

Early retirement is not so sweet, is it??

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