
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, June 27, 2019


So how programmed are our children for summer? Camps and activities are good.
However leave some down time. Give time for children to read, play, explore and try to plan their own activities. Having resources available is helpful.
So what is Nana doing for the times the grandchildren come over. Well trying to keep them away from my computer full time is a must.
I have put some games and cards in the dining room for some game time.
Snacks in the house that can be taken on picnics, short day trips, little jaunts to splash pads and trails.
Making sure I know the schedules for places like our local WAVE POOL. We can walk there- no car needed.
The local park for basketball and play on the equipment. Yes we can walk there.
So have you put walking in your activities.
A bike ride too really helps.
Teenagers need to be busy too. So any volunteer activities are good. Helping with younger family members. Giving responsibility to them. Expecting them to do chores and help in the home.
Are there family vacations planned? Trips to the cottage? Sleepovers?
Yes it seems like the weeks of summer are so long. But really will go quickly. Yes I know it is hard for all you working parents. I was there and understand how difficult it can be.
But remember I am a Nana and well can be available for assistance as needed.

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