Summer lets us wear those warmer clothes. The cottons and the linens! The shorter pants and bare legs. Losing the weight of the winter woolies! There is a refreshing feel to becoming freer in the summer. June is the month that prepares us- weather permitting to get used to the idea of freeing ourselves. Planning so the summer months can be enjoyed fully.
Even the vegetation cooperates with the summer white!
#summer white#gettingreadytorelax#summerfreesusup
Here in Winnipeg, June brings hot weather and cool nights. Also, thus year, water main flushing. They had to flush the mains on Carbutt twice. Now, the water runs clear and clean again. No flowers in our totally renovated yard. But, there's always the neighbors to look at. Plus, we're off tomorrow to buy seedlings and potting mix for our pots.