
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, May 21, 2018


A wedding! Gardening! Bringing my husband home from 2 weeks in hospital! Grass is cut. Some more weeds pulled. Adolph looked at organizing the pots on the porch. Enjoyed the fresh air after two weeks inside. It is funny. Little growing but some tulips then some rain and sunshine and it all looks like an overgrown jungle again! I am going to let one section just grown wild and pretend I really wanted a woodlot! Last year lots of butterflies and birds were attracted to " my jungle". Long weekends are best. The extra day at home helps with the mood and just relaxing as well as an afternoon nap. How was your weekend? Sorry to see the Winnipeg Jets out of the Stanley Cup running. Always root for the Canadian teams! So back to the old grind tomorrow. I could use another day or two in the garden.#garden#homefromthehospital#weedingthegarden#cuttingthegrass#porchveggiegarden#maintainingthepots#butterflieslikelotsofgreenery#


  1. Glad to hear that Adolph is home again and feeling perky. Hope you're feeling better now, too.

  2. Easier to be be in one place. Routines at home are doable. Always need time away from work!
