
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, May 18, 2018


So lots of notice given but still have not received all my pension application papers from the large pension plan. Hum. And work! Well my position has not been posted yet. There are other social workers interested in my job. I am not out of the building yet!!! Lots of congratulations. Well why congratulations when retiring. Did not win anything? But some- I will miss you. How will we cope without you? Some I can tell couldn't care Less!! Probably want someone younger than I am.
May has been an interesting month. Husband back in the hospital with a bout of pneumonia. Which for him could be fatal with his poor lungs!! Not as bad as the February hospitalization but still causes angst as it conflicts with the plans to retire and all I want to get done before I leave the work building. Plans for retirement include avenues to augment my income. Organizing those endeavors are difficult with extended time at the hospital being with the hubbie. If home, then the projects at home can be ongoing. Besides the responsibilities of managing the inside and outside of the house are mine. Just work, little pleasure with it. Like cutting the grass- boring!! If not home can not get done. Of course, Adolph keeps saying, leave things until you retire. There are too many clutter piles that need filtering as well. The more boring that is out of the way then starting with fun stuff will make it easier!
However, the more that is organized and ready to go, let's me slide into that new role. Retired person!!
I do not know how I feel about it. Sort of emotionally neutral. I have to be available for the hubbie and girls and grandkiddies!! So I will not be idle! I really think emotionally I have left the job a long time ago when the workplace changed and became more autocratic!! Perhaps I am just tired!! Sometimes going on empty! Then I think about the road in front of me. What will be there? I always liked road trips! So the hope is there will be some adventure- no matter how small!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear that Adolph is back in the hospital but hopefully he's under the best of care and will recover. I'm sure all this is quite stressful but you're a strong person and you will get through it. Please consider hiring someone to mow grass and clear snow. It's well worth the expense. Take care, fav cuz.
