
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, May 31, 2018


So my favourite month with all its greenery and flowering trees is coming to an end. Husband with a second hospitalization has made it too memorable in a bad way. Just wanting to get him home again and get to the next stage of life. Retirement around the corner and none too soon. The garden needs so much work. A bulldozer would help at this point!  What will June bring?? How was your May!


  1. Sometimes, when I stress out about my life lately, I should realize how fortunate I am compared to others. So sorry to hear Adolph is back in the hospital. I hope he gets fixed and home again with you soon. It must be very stressful for you. Only got about 2 hours sleep myself last night. Not good for this old man. Marg is out walking the dogs right now. She'll be surprised to see me up when she returns. You might consider a total yard renovation to end your weeding woes. We'll be buying seedlings for our pots soon. I'll have to figure out ways to grow the herbs so Gus, rabbits, mice, and slugs leave them alone. That'll be a challenge. Hopefully I'll be able to get some images to post in my blog. Marg just got the dogs food ready here in the garage and was shocked that I only sleep for 2 hours last night. She'll get our smoothies ready next before she leaves to meet with her boss at 8:30. She's ready to retire now but will like still be working to hep her replacement through a transition period of several months. We're looking forward to her being at home and trading our two vehicles in for one, probably a 2018 Ford EchoSport. We've also got to get our house painted inside and out and our carpeting replaced. More challenges. Maybe it's time we wrote each other email letters. You first. Take care, fav cuz.
