
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, May 25, 2018


As the wife/caregiver for a loved one with a chronic illness, there are many levels and components to the role. The ups and downs of witnessing an illness progress takes it toll. Usually an emotional one. Doctors are vague about prognosis and what to do to try to reduce exacerbation of the disease. Advice given- wash your hands! Duh! Really! So living day to day becomes more of a mantra. Not a bad one! So putting many areas to give quality of life are important. For any of us having a purpose to get up in the morning is simple and basic. Stepping back and giving room for the loved one to do his/her own activities. So there will be more comments and thoughts on this subject periodically.



  1. OK, I'm the one living with a chronic illness. It's complicated with things like remembering to take my medications at the right time, thinking about what to make for supper during the week (although I can ask my spouse to pick up supper on her way home if I want), taking care of the two mutts (food, water, letting them out and back in several times a day), dealing with tradespeople from time to time, etc. Nothing is simple ...

  2. The important thing is make room for others to be available but also keeping your independence. No nothing is simple! But often doable in small steps!
