So they say. Trying new things and having change forced on a person are two different things. Dealing with changes, new ideas and restructuring in a workplace sound easy. Everyone has to get on board. Embrace the excitement of the changes. Working long enough many of the new ideas look like recycled old ones. Once told that life is like a circle. By the time one gets to the other side of the circle have to learn again what is on the other side. New clothes are fun. A new car-nice change! Throw out an old couch and get a new one. Try a new restaurant. Some changes can be okay and actually fun. Hey it is a new month.February- Heart and Stroke month. Valentine's Day. Family Day- a Monday off from work. A short month so closer to the change that Spring brings. As long as in the change, one can wear the favourite cardigan for warmth. Or have one's coffee just right! Then- the more things change the more they remain the same!
Same to you, Barb!