
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


In Ontario and other parts of Canada, next Monday is Family Day. It actually coincides with the anniversary of the Canadian Flag. I digress. It is an opportunity to do something with the children and grandchildren. The stores are really closed to allow clerks and owners a much needed day off. Hopefully there will be some snow and cold for sledding and skating. Outdoors is always inviting and tires everyone so a good night's sleep will occur. A long weekend in the middle of winter is good for all families and especially exhausted full time working parents. So what are your plans? A piece of advice- make them simple. Less is more when lives are already so busy! An afternoon movie, a walk in the snow, crafts-makes things for Valentines Day, visit family, let the grandchildren have a sleepover with the grandparents, well parents you get the picture. Your life is already full and cramped with stuff. Taking a break is good for the soul. Think small rather than big. It is just a weekend- 3 days! So rather than packing more into it, think less. Maybe even have a PJ day where everyone has their bath, brush their teeth then put their jammies back on and lounges around!

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