
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


When the time comes and children are older, they should leave the nest. Our little robins have flown from their nest at the front of the house. One of the situations I am working on, had a parent or two describe their 30 something children who are still at home! Hum! A growing trend or just letting the children stay too long? In my husband's Italian group, it was not uncommon for some children especially boys not to leave home. Imagine 50 something and still home! What compels a child to  want to remain in a parent's home? Yes, all your money can be yours! A token amount given to help with groceries like some have done pretending they are paying their way! But not really! Other bills like hydro, water, gas and maintenance cost as well! Everyone living in a home using those utilities! I noticed when my children left home for married life, the bills became greatly reduced! Of course, there are some parents and especially mothers who like the role of caring for their children regardless of the age. Letting your children grow up and have a life is one of the greatest gifts to give! Again those little robins can teach us another lesson! Leave the nest and when the time comes perhaps return to care for your aging parents not to sponge off them!

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