
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Here we are at the 15th of the month. It seems halfway but actually with February it is past that mark. With Valentine's Day with all the flowers and chocolates over, there is little excitement about the days ahead. Perhaps that is the reason for so much depression this time of year.To find activities and fun can help keep the spirits going. Although the sun is returning to us with longer days, is it the darkness that brings darkness to our lives? Winter driving and commutes are longer which leaves less time at night to do those much needed chores. Times we are just tired, right? So are there things that you can do with less energy and effort? Reading? A game with the children? Organizing a drawer- each night do one? Sometimes just getting started with something small. Work can be strenuous with more sick calls from colleagues. Sometimes more mental health days than actual sick days so covering for those away brings stress. Oh the ides of February! The month in the middle of winter so it seems but actually much closer to Spring than realized. Get out and walk in the snow! Get back to a winter activity! Make a snowman with a child or a snow angel! Pretend you really like it and before you know it, a new season will arrive! Or you can still go to bed and pull the covers over your head and hope it all goes away!

1 comment:

  1. My valentine left on the 14th to take a Caribbean cruise with her niece. She likes to go somewhere warm in the winter so I'm dog-sitting (which is fine by me). Tomorrow, our temperature will be 0 degrees. Isn't that almost warm?
