
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, February 28, 2015


With 28 days this year, February is quickly coming to an end. But what a month with record breaking cold spells and snowfalls in parts of Canada. The last time it was this cold in Ontario was 1979 which I remember as I was pregnant with my second daughter. There are high hopes that March will bring an early Spring but I doubt it as it is just another day so the lingering cold snap may stay. A productive month of indoor activities but of course not getting as much done as wanted due to just being tired. By the time a week is finished, I often find myself finished needing to slow down. Luckily there are slow, quiet activities to do. I am looking forward to the first burst of Spring. Somehow energy comes from within when the sun shines and outdoors is inviting me for a Spring walk. I have done enough winter walks all bundled up!  The daylight is coming back to us which is encouraging at dinner time as some sunlight gives us enjoyment, hope. For those with depression February is the heaviest month. According to a psychiatrist I know, March becomes Manic March. It is a difficult time for people who have manic phases of their disease. The transitions and daylight saving changes have a major impact. So individuals and families supporting them be attentive and kind. The time for some Spring cleaning and hauling things to the curb may begin for many people. For school children, the wonderful March Break is around the corner. For this blogger, looking for Spring themes and flowers and ideas- just hoping some burst of energy will inspire me to continue to be enthusiastic about most areas of my life. How about you? Are you just about done with winter? Are you hopeful Spring is around the corner or corners of your life?

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