
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023


 SOE or Special Operations Executive was Churchill's special force in World War Two.

Cloaked in secrecy, it often came under scrutiny.

Much has been written about the active members- men and women. Those that received medals and valour.

In our family Ellie Park was in the SOE. He could not talk about his involvement as all members were sworn to secrecy. He did mention some involvement. 

He was recruited from the RAF-Royal Air Force.

He was a young flier. 

Although most pilots flew the Lysander, Ellie preferred the Avro Anson.

I once asked him where he flew. Mostly he flew into Norway. Tromsted and Bergen. I often wondered why there until some research on the war revealed there was heavy water in Norway that would help to make nuclear equipment.

I recently reviewed a book by Colonel Bernd Horn about the Canadian connection with the SOE. It is worth reading and is available to buy as well as available at the local libraries. His book reflects the philosophy around covert missions. No one person knew the whole story. It helped to keep secrets so if caught one could not tell more than they knew about their own involvement.

Ellie had a code name as did Lieutenant Commander in the royal Navy he flew often into enemy territory. Neither knew their real names but only used their code names. Ellie's was Sharkey.

A couple of years ago I wrote to the Canadian National Defense to obtain Ellie's war records. 13 months later I received a very watered down version. The year and a half in Special Forces only said that he was in Special Forces.  No record of his missions. One brother has his flying log book and could try to match missions.

A gentleman in the Kelowna area wrote a book entitled on veterans in the area. 

Book is called flight Into Yesterday by L.W. (Les) Perkins, 2002. Trafford, Victoria BC.

Some of Ellie's stories are there.

There is a website to visit where the SOE was stationed in England. Tempsford is the small town where it appeared ordinary during day and from the sky but many missions flew out of there during the night.

Like many men and women that served in the war, Ellie did not like to talk about his experiences nor did he like to celebrate with other veterans.

He had a very good career flying with Trans Canada Airlines which later became Air Canada. from1946 to 1976.

SOE was the precursor to MI6 and other spy operations following the war. 

There are two brochures written by the Canadian Government entitled Uncommon Courage and Valour Remembered. Ellie's missions are not included as are so many that served with the SOE.

I did purchase another book- Churchill's Most Secret Airfield- RAF Tempsford by Bernard O'Connor. 2010,2013. Amberley Publishing. Gloucestershire  England. 

There has been so much information written on World War Two. Finding more stories to do with the efforts in Norway is ongoing. 

Knowing the efforts of one officer helps to put a face to that terrible time in history.


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