
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


 I have mentioned in an early post what happened at an Art Show 2019.

When I was chatting with the Artist whose work I had purchased previously, I mentioned I was retired. She asked what are you doing. I said my interests as well as caring and being with my husband.

Her answer very condescending- well you're just a caregiver and dismissed me.


Another friend mentioned how she had a friend that once her husband died she could resume travelling that she could not do while her husband was alive. Almost suggesting that not travelling was a hardship.

A hardship for me? Not really.


So what is a caregiver? Is being there and caring for a spouse being a caregiver?

What about the spouse that dotes the whole marriage on a spouse? Is that person just a caregiver? Or is it their relationship?

Is caring for your child being just a caregiver?

For the record I did not define myself as a caregiver during the last couple of years of Adolph's life. I was being a wife, a person, a lover, a friend and in a relationship that entailed some caring functions. We had a relationship. We talked. We gave each other company. 

But isn't all marriage caring functions.

The work days.

The garden days.

Who does what in the house

Who cooks.

Who cleans.

Who pays the bills

Are these caregiving functions? Well not really!!

Yes I was a professional Social Worker and knew all the jargon. But I also knew that each situation and meaning for the people varied. 

Being there for another person has such purpose. Life's greatest gift. To love and be loved by the person that needs you!

What do you think is the definition of a caregiver? Do you see yourself as a caregiver or just part of the relationship? 


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