
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, November 8, 2020


 Politics are politics.

We like some candidates. We do not like others.

We tolerated others points of view.

But I do feel a sense of relief with the election results in the US. 

Yes there will be policy differences. But it will be done without name calling and put downs. And probably some compromises. No shame. No blame.

America is our friend and neighbour along with Mexico.

Separate nations but many and most values in common. 


Rights of individuals. All individuals. Not just the ones that look like we do.

Listening to others and learning from them. But getting the facts straight. Not believing lies.

When I saw the celebrations in the streets of so many cities across America, I smiled. I was happy for them.

Then I saw Van Jones on CNN, a black journalist. He spoke from it being a good thing. But one comment stuck out. He said the I can't breath from George Floyd has been his reality every day. Every time he would go out wondering if he would be okay. Having a president that allowed the underlying racism to surface was always scary. 

I am a white woman with blue eyes. I have never had to feel that way. To fear. To worry about my children, my grandchildren. I always could breath.

So listening to him and others. No comment, no comeback. But to listen and feel and try to walk in that person's shoes.

So it is a new day. The excitement will pass. Learning from the experience will not.

With this bloody COVID we have to come together even more. Support each other. 

It moves beyond tolerance and acceptance but sticking up everyday for others. With kindness, goodness and mostly love.

Not the talk but the walk.

Yes it is a new day but a good day as well.


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