
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Today I entered another decade of life. I turned 70. It seems not long ago I was 13. Life happened.

What a joy and a blessing to have reached this age.

Along the way there have been so many people that did not make it. A day old baby niece. High school mates dying at age 17. A friend of my brother age 21! A school principal age 38.
Two cousins and a good friend in their 50s. A special family member age 61 and another age 65.

Many patients and clients in my Social Work practice who died too young.

So by living life to the fullest as I can under all circumstances, it is my honour to enjoy my life because they could not. It is my responsibility not to waste it.

To embrace the day and the year and now a whole new decade.

Sure we all have up days and down days. That is life. But to make the most of all the cards we are dealt is the key to a meaningful life.
So what will this decade bring. Well that story will need to be told.

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