
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


The hoopla and fun of the festive season is over. Bills coming in. Decorations put away.

So how to cope with the winter season that always seems so much longer than Spring and Summer combined.

Embrace it. Get outdoors. Even for a short walk around the neighbourhood. If athletic, skate, ski, or whatever sport finds you.

Exercise of any kind helps the mental and physical state. So if not outdoors, do your own routine indoors.

Time to work on projects. I am sure many of you have them throughout the house. Early spring cleaning. Tackle those clutter corners.

Read. Yes books, magazines. Library visits get you out of the house.

Movies. If home during the day, matinees. Try those discount days. Here it is Tuesday. If an TV package, then there are many choices to watch at home too.

TV watching is great. But just sitting is not good for you. So exercise in front of it. Do a craft. Bills. Sort papers etc. So the watching comes with an activity.

Listen to music. Dance to it. Sing to it.

Board games with family. Cards. If no one, then play solitaire. Online or with real cards.

Connect socially. Being with others. Say hi to your neighbours. Talk to people at the store. Social engagement is so important. Being isolated is not. Make an effort to make that phone call, write that letter, send an email, text, write on facebook or however to stay to engaged.

Accept the fact and yes it is a fact that January blues exist. You are not alone. So push yourself to be involved and get going.
So what ideas can you give me? What do you do to overcome them?

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