
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, November 28, 2019


Recently my daughter was in the market for a new camera. Asked friends for advice. But eventually went to the store where they sold cameras.

A wonderful experience. They talked needs, what lenses to use etc. Stayed in her budget. She found someone who could give her more advice about her needs. She also has a real human contact she can go back to consult about other photographic needs.

It brings me to a point. When I was an active health care professional, now a retired one, I became so dismayed with the people who would consult Dr. Google for everything..

Dr. Google said this. Dr. Google said that.

I would then suggest to talk with the real doctor, nurse, pharmacist, dietitian or other health care professional standing in front of them. Look at your real blood work, diagnostic images or other results.

The internet is great. But it is not without glitches. Speak with real people who actually trained in the field.

Speak with real people who carry the knowledge in their heads. Who have experience! If needed will help you get a second opinion.

It is never harmful to learn about your situation. But be careful with just an internet search.

Consult the group or agency dealing with your condition. For example, Parkinson's, consult with the Parkinson's Society.

Everyone is not an expert on everything because you can use the internet or social media. There is much more to knowledge.

Read, learn, listen. Those virtues do not go out of fashion.


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