
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, November 18, 2019


Breathe and slow down.

Schedule everything. Maybe not washroom breaks but know your schedule.

For school age children there are family and school events. Can you make them all?

Forget about the magazine images of the perfectly decorated home with children. Make it fun and include their art and creations.

Less is more. So put out the big decorations if there is little time or energy to put everything out.

Baking is great. But if little time for it, do the favourites and buy the rest.

Have a simple baking session with the children. Maybe their favourite cookie.

Yes remember to breathe.

Starting early is always better. But stuck for gifts. The wonderful modern gift cards or just plain money.

Find moments to sit by your Christmas tree. Listen to music. Watch a favourite movie with the family or alone.

For social events. Who does what? The Christmas Eve dinner. The Christmas dinner. The Boxing day dinner. Then go backwards to the end of November, beginning of December. Are there smaller get togethers that include friends and acquaintances. So there is not one big one with too much work.

Eating well. Watching alcohol intake. Exercise like walks in the snow or other outdoor winter activities.

Again that schedule. Once you know what's up then you can lay back and enjoy.

Shopping at stores or online can be managed well.

Have the parcels and cards ready to go early. Then mail on your scheduled times.

List of phone calls. Don't need to call on Christmas day. There are many days before and after to have a good chat.

Watch your mood. Christmas can remind us of those no longer with us. So is there a memory item to include in the home. For us it is red carnations. Remember it is okay to miss people and think about them.

Is there someone you can include in your activities? Is someone alone this Christmas?

If it is a festive season then go to festive things like the local parade, church, see the store windows and make your own family traditions. Bring some from childhood too.

Lastly, know what works for you. What do you need to stay happy and bright?

For me Christmas lights, poinsettas and watching children delight in the simple things of the season.
How about you? What keeps you festive?

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