
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, September 27, 2018


Fall cleaning is a monotonous and boring job. Let's face it. Going through stuff takes more time than anticipated. Asking oneself- why did I save this. So 20 tin pie plates and other odds and ends went to the curb. Someone did pick them so glad I did not have to bag and just throw in the garbage. My basement is better. Lot less cobwebs! When did those cobwebs arrive anyway?? Not finished the grandchildren's stuff yet. They are growing so do not use all the odds and ends there either. Oh my laundry room smells like Pine Sol but it is clean. My clothes closet is so nice and neat. The home is getting the do over!! Steam cleaned the floor in the Dining Room so hope to do a round of the main floor before Thanksgiving. Getting ready for a house guest too!!  Some things are just getting packed as if I am moving tomorrow which I am not. But one day downsizing will happen!
My little visible collections of stuff are greatly reduced everywhere. I am finding stuff to use for other things like Christmas and crafts etc. Of course, donations to charities are always good too.
Why is it good for the soul? Well cleaning gets one thinking and remembering and deciding what things really are important! Having helped clean out a parental home I know what children do with stuff- they chuck it. They want very little! So with eyes like my children I know how much they will chuck!! I always let them know to sell the antiques if they are not interested in them.
My soul has been heavy lately. So reducing the clutter has freed up my thinking and giving me room to get projects like writing and crafts and planning for holiday events more of my time.
Plus retirement brought change in my life so change in my home is a good thing too. The house is my office, work, place to create, be with my husband and just be!! How is your fall cleaning going? Are you even doing any this year? Share your thoughts with me.

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