
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Aging is one of those processes that sneaks up on all of us. Some face it terribly or not at all. Others embrace it and brag about how old they are and what they can do. Others moan and groan about all their aches and pains and how the Italians say it- the Povera Me! The Poor Me syndrome!
But being a senior is as diverse as the Seniors themselves. We have books on what to expect from our baby, our preschooler, our teenager. There are lots of parenting books and blogs on good parenting etc. But how to be a good Senior. Is there a book for family members on what to expect from their Senior? When does one become a senior? Some discounts start as early as age 55!! But there are some people 55 who think they are still middle aged!! Some discounts are at age 60 and others well age 65!!
I will tell you it did take me a while to ask for the Senior's discount. I needed to hide my age at work due to the ageism discrimination. You know what happens now? You guessed, no one asks they just give me the Senior's discount. I guess I really look like a Senior.
Back to those Senior moments. Yes they can be little memory gaps- like what was the name of that actor. But if looking closely it was an actor from the 1940s that has not been in our consciousness for decades. Trying to remember the names of every person we ever met is a little disconcerting. To punish ourselves for needing to look something up like the name of the actor- who cares!
The pace of the world is fast. Keeping up with all the new gadgets and using the old gadgets- well we are really more proficient than we think.
Just using this computer, uploading, scanning, using the cell phone for pictures and messages, texting, knowing how to write a letter- well you get the picture. Seniors have come a long way in the world and all the changes that have occurred in our lifetime and it is not over yet.
Seniors have skills, knowledge and can say done that been there!! If you are smart use the knowledge of those around you to help with the modern times. For example, some of those organizational skills are really just old ideas recycled.
A true Senior just feels blessed to have reached the age to be able to be a Senior. As a baby boomer it has been shoved down our throats on how we will cost the system so much money in old age as we all boom into it. If we do the math of how many started out- sure! However, in my family and friendship circle at least 5 baby boomers that I knew died in their 50s. Did not use any old age government services! 3 High School mates died way back! So that's 8 I know! So think of all the other baby boomers living and how many they know that are no longer around.The original numbers do not stick. Sure there are lots of us but not as many as you think.
The smart young people should cater their goods, products and services to us Seniors too. We still need stuff. We like to party. We like to go out. We are social and do like being around people of all ages.
So at 68 and a half- I sound like a little kid don't I. But sometimes I feel like a Senior and sometimes I feel like a little kid. Sometimes somewhere in between. So yes I am a Senior. I will take any Senior discount that I can. I worked hard enough for my money just like most other people. I am blessed to have family and the opportunity to spend time with my grandchildren. How about you? Are you a Senior and how are you embracing your age? Any thoughts!!

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