
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, December 29, 2017


Christmas brings some fun, some work, stress and lots of change in the daily routine. Then the month is coming to an end and Christmas is a good memory. Eating the remainder of the leftovers or chucking them is the dilemma. Putting away Christmas stuff slowly. My lights outside stay up until Epiphany. The magic has fizzled. The reality of the same old, same old. Is it why people make New Year resolutions to add some sparkle to life? There is still time over the next few weeks to connect with family and friends. Or even months. A January lunch date works!! Maybe some other dates for the next few months to get through the winter. Or can it be used for a time for reflection, energize, planning for what is needed in one's life or to finish those projects in the quiet of winter. Rewatching favourite movies! Or to go to the movies! Of course there will be snow shovelling which is a good outdoor exercise in small quantities. So as the Christmas season winds down, maybe time to take those photos of outdoor lights, store windows and any fanciful item that crosses your path. The reality of the blues does hit however. Normalize it. Recognize it. Accept it. Knowing it is the norm helps us all. So how are you feeling today?

1 comment:

  1. some of us are simply happy Christmas and all the fuss associated with it is over ...
