
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


The magic of Christmas usually comes from parents and mostly Moms! Yes I know Dads put things together, parent too. But mothers do the lists, most of the shopping, makes sure the social events and dinners are doable. I still hear men at work saying " have you started Christmas shopping yet?"
Magic takes a toll on the workload and energy of parents. So how to short list it even when it is so busy. Trying amongst the normal activities of laundry, lessons and housekeeping to keep it all together.
Letting go of some things during the busy season. Concentrating on what can be fun for all. If out of the house, the kids can not dirty the house. Letting the older generation invite everyone over so the preparations are reduced. Just dress the kids. This Nana does the Christmas meal so makes it easier for the girls, spouses and grandchildren to enjoy the day at home. They will bring some food too but not all the hoopla. Nana has all day to prepare.
Keeping well during the season is hard. Despite loving all the social events, they do bring a germ pool too. So have the items for colds and flu bugs handy at home. Know which clinics are open if needed. Of course the hospital door is open 24/7.
Magic can mean making cookies or a gingerbread house with children. Another layer of work but important for the memories. Or not!
Those wonderful Christmas pictures. If unable to get to a photographer, find a pretty background, some Christmas things and take some pics. Family and friends are more interested in receiving a photo from you then how amazing the picture can be.
Expect that children often have too much Christmas and can be tired and whinny at all the extra stuff- school, home, running around. Again what can you eliminate for awhile!
So let me know how you create the magic! Also feel good that generations of parents are behind you! Call up your childhood memories and what mattered to you! Will the same things matter to your children and family? So use a family tradition and share with the children! Keep it simple!

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