
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Are you a history buff? If so the current state of affairs in America smells like other times. Blustering! Puffing up! Being reactionary! Machiavellian!  Does it remind you of other times in history? Other nations! Picking on one group over another. Saying we are better! Protectionism! We first! Men making decisions for women! Trophy wives! Alternative facts! Really lies in disguise! Women of privilege trying to tell others how to live! Have they ever cleaned their own toilet bowls? The March on Washington, cities in America and around the world in various locations was so reminiscent of earlier times. My teens and the riots and demonstrations against the Viet Nam War for example! My feeling was one of pride Saturday January 21, 2017. That large groups of women and some men who support the rights of all could meet in large groups and not one damaged window or car or criminal act was performed. Peaceful protest! Having come a long way but still more to go. As a wife, mother, grandmother aiming to support the rights of all. It is not women against men- but humans for humans. Men and Women teaching our little boys and girls respect, love and support of all. To use our education and good health to do good for each and every corner of the world where we live. Can only change things one person, one street, one town at a time! But real change starts with oneself! To listen, learn and respect must be role modelled. Be a mentor to those around you! The real fear is someone may try to throw out the baby with the bath water! Remember if it is not broken, why try to fix it! There are different leaders but one who is self centered and narcissistic can be dangerous. History- 3000 years of it! Then Modern history, remember Gandhi and Martin Luther King with non-violent resistance! There is a power to the people-one person at a time! Yes money talks so don't buy, support, watch, like tweets or facebook posts, any product or idea not supported for the greater good! Gandhi did it with salt and making one's own clothes. So history it will repeat itself! Oh remember the more things change, the more they remain the same. So take a deep breath, a second cup of coffee, get on with the day of making your part of the world a good one!

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