
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, September 9, 2016


Love is important in our lives. When we feel loved, we feel human. For those without people in their lives they often turn to the love of pets. For many their cat or dog brings companionship and touch. Babies grow from being fed but also loved and held. So what is this feeling of love? How do we tell as humans the difference from liking someone and really loving someone? True love often means the other is our soulmate. But people can stop loving someone. When does love stop? Why do we love our hometown, our province, our country? Where does the love come from inside us? We use the word in many ways. I love my morning coffee. Don't you just love that actor in that film! Thanks for the gift- I really love it! Love that word that can make and break a day and sometimes a life. Children can become adults thinking their parents really did not love them. Sometimes it is true as a parent can have a favourite child and the other feels. I was asked one day at work by a colleague which grandchild I loved the most since he was his grandmother's favourite. I looked at him and said all of them but especially whichever one I happen to be hugging or holding at the time. The number 6 is important- 6 separate chambers of love in my heart for each of my grandbabies! I love them all but each brings different personalities and wonderful aspects to observe and love! For me then the love of family! What does love mean to you? Who and what do you love? How big is your heart?


  1. Great questions, Barb! I think you my answers. My kids, their kids, and my wife.

  2. Definition of Love? I suppose it depends on whether you consider love to be a noun or a verb.
