
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Emergency services are always there for any issues affecting our children.  We are lucky in the GTA to have the Hospital for Children in Toronto. Experts in every field connecting with other world experts to provide wonderful assessment and care. Local hospitals providing the treatment and assessing if  a specialist is needed. Sometimes avoidance for a trip to an emergency department is considered because "of the wait"! Well go anyway as it is the place to be and assessment does take time. Let the medical team make the decision if the child needs to be there. Consider this if  you arrive and several health care professionals get a very serious look on their faces and move very quickly it means there is a problem. In Canada, we triage as a 1 to 5. So if you are a 1, in you go very quickly. 4-5 there is the fast track area to try to get the patient out in under 2 hours for those minor concerns like stitches . With many urgent clinics with sophisticated diagnostic resources being built, there is another route to immediate care. But be prepared as a trip to the local hospital may still be warranted. Parents- no matter how careful and safe you may try to make your child's life, accidents and emergencies do happen. Don't beat yourself up! You are an important part of the health care team. Knowing your child and medical history is paramount. Perhaps keep a photocopy in your purse or wallet with that pertinent information. When grandparents are babysitting, copies of the health card and information would be helpful too. So everyone is on the same page. Remember your local hospital is open 24/7! Don't hesitate to use it!

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